Daughter rejoices as her Muslim dad and Catholic mother finally solemnize their union in the church after being married for 37 years Daughter rejoices as her Muslim dad and Catholic mother finally solemnize their union in the church after being married for 37 years - Gistmattaz Ng : Nigeria News | Latest Naija News Today 24/7

Daughter rejoices as her Muslim dad and Catholic mother finally solemnize their union in the church after being married for 37 years

A daughter has shared her joy after her Muslim father and her Catholic mother finally solemnized their marriage in the Catholic church after being married for 37 years. The couple couldn't have a religious wedding due to their religious differences. But 37 years after, the father, who is a Muslim man, agreed to follow his wife to the Catholic church to make it official so his wife can be reunited with the church and enjoy the benefit of receiving Holy Communion. Sharing photos of her parents during their Catholic church wedding ceremony, Fatima wrote: "My dad is a Muslim & my mum is Catholic. When they got married 37 yrs ago, they didn’t have a church wedding because of religious differences. This year my dad agreed to do the Catholic marriage rites and today, they “blessed” their marriage."  She added: "My mum was finally able to take communion in church for the first time since she married my dad. She looks so happy and I couldn’t be happier for her."  Her tweet generated many questions about her religious upbringing and she replied: "To respond to the many messages about my religious upbringing. Me & my brothers have Muslim names but we were raised by my mother as liberal Christians. My brothers are still Christian but I’m currently non-religious & my parents are still processing what that means to them..." The post Daughter rejoices as her Muslim dad and Catholic mother finally solemnize their union in the church after being married for 37 years appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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