Friday’s #BBNaija Double Wahala Reunion Show was Wow! Let’s Catch You Up Friday’s #BBNaija Double Wahala Reunion Show was Wow! Let’s Catch You Up - Gistmattaz Ng : Nigeria News | Latest Naija News Today 24/7

Friday’s #BBNaija Double Wahala Reunion Show was Wow! Let’s Catch You Up

Friday's #BBNaija Double Wahala Reunion Show was Wow! Let's Catch You Up | BellaNaija

We’re writers, yes, but it’s hard to put into words exactly how explosive Friday night’s BBNaija Double Wahala Reunion show was.

Our favorite part of it, and probably why it was so explosive, was how calm and civil everyone was, speaking only when it was their turn, not talking over the other.

But man, did they let it all out or what? Everything they felt, all the issues they had, the women aired it all.

Let’s catch you up.

Let’s start with the basics: Ebuka made it clear that the aim of the reunion show is to air bottled up grievances, not to stir up drama.

There was a lot of preamble about what first impression one person had about the other person, how one person is no longer friends with one person, but all that was easy to forget when we got into the show proper.

There was Cee C‘s gist about how she felt everyone didn’t like her initially because she went into the house expecting everyone to just bond, which she realizes now was an unrealistic expectation.

Everyone else (just Ahneeka and Princess, actually) said they got the vibe off Cee C, and maybe that was what alienated her from everyone.

Then we found out Khloe and Alex had issues and that’s when the tea began to drip. They had broken the seal; it spilled until the end.

Maybe because we’re always busy we didn’t even know Khloe and Alex had bad blood. But when Khloe said she’d made peace with Alex’s spirit in her absence, we knew it was serious.

Appas, it was (sort of) because of man. Leo.

Apparently, Khloe felt Vandora was someone who poisoned Alex’s mind “because of their little gossip.” Khloe said it was obvious Leo was playing games with Alex (Vandora and BamBam agreed) and she was trying to break them up. Khloe added that there were a lot of things Leo did behind the camera, a lot of things Leo told her behind everyone’s back.

Vandora, on the other hand, explained that Alex had issues with Khloe always being around Leo, and she’d come to Vandora to complain. She said she felt Leo was playing games with both Khloe and Alex, trying to play both sides. She added that she didn’t know Alex liked Leo.

When Alex interrupted Ebuka to ask him to stop saying she had feelings for Leo—instead, he should say she “enjoyed Leo’s company,” that was when we knew the proverbial s— had hit the fan.

She explained that she initially liked Khloe a lot, but whenever she was having a conversation with Leo (whose company she enjoyed) Khloe would come interrupt, sit in their middle. If she told Khloe to excuse them Khloe would leave and go create a scene, just so Leo could come calm her down.

Alex added that she kept receipts (yasss!) on her phone, a clip of Khloe gossiping with Cee C about her, whispering and looking so she wouldn’t hear, and when Khloe saw her approaching she stopped, only for Khloe to continue after Alex had passed. Chale, this tea!

BamBam added her own two cents. She said she it was obvious and everyone know Alex had feelings for Leo and not just “enjoyed his company” (no one has forgotten her weeping when Leo got evicted), and that it was obvious Leo was playing Alex. She added that Khloe should not lie and say she didn’t know Alex liked Leo. She said Khloe knew exactly what she was doing.

Nowwwww to the main gist. The kings of all gist: Alex and Cee C.

*drum roll*

Alex said when she first saw Cee C in the house she felt she was shy because she wasn’t saying much. But she thought Cee C was very pretty so she called her Nicki Minaj. When Cee C took offense with that, she decided Cee C was insecure. Something something we’ve forgotten now led her to believe Cee C was controlling, perhaps after she took on the infamous First Lady role. Anyway, that one led to her feeling Cee C was aggressive, then another spat led to her feeling Cee C was excessively aggressive. The End

Then to the really juicy part. (Yes, guys. Everything before now had been child’s play compared to what was coming.)

On the night Miracle was declared the winner, they all returned to the hotel to find Tobi could not gain access to his room. His key wasn’t working. Alex says Cee C was behind them and saw the whole thing, including when someone (we can’t remember who, maybe an hotel staff or Tobi or Alex herself) suggested Tobi chill in Alex’s room until the issue was solved. Alex says she had barely closed her door and dropped her bags when Cee C knocked and asked to speak with Tobi. Tobi said no. Cee C said the game was over and she just wanted to speak. Tobi said no. He slammed the door.

Then Cee C returned and asked to speak with Alex and Alex said yes and went off with Cee C to her room, which was a floor beneath hers. (Note that detail, it’ll come to play later.)

But the next morning in the plane Cee C went to sit by Nina, Alex said. Something was said and Cee C started laughing, shouting, and when Tobi told her to keep it down she, like we often saw in the house, began to scream at Tobi. That was Alex’s side of the story.

Oh, there was also the part about Cee C’s sister slamming a room door at Alex’s face and telling her Cee C didn’t want to see her. But that one is just embellishment, it is not necessary. Extra cube of sugar, ya’knw.

(We were very excited.)

Cee C, on her own part, said Alex has a very wild imagination (ghegheun!). She said she fought with everyone in the house, not just Alex (except BamBam, BamBam is cool), and she probably fought more with Alex because she was close to Tobi and expected people close to Tobi to tell him the truth about his behavior. What truth, you ask? (as did Ebuka) We’re not sure, either.

She said she felt the whole world was against her after Miracle won and everyone was acting one kain. She was advised (by whom, we’re not sure. We were’t listening to that part very well, trying to keep you guys updated on Twitter. But we think it was the behaviorist) to speak with everyone after the show, air out grievances. But she couldn’t find Nina and Miracle because, well, who knows?

In her own version of events, her room was right next to Tobi’s, not a floor below, and it was Alex who went with Tobi into Tobi’s room, not the other way around.

She said when Tobi opened the door the light was off, and she was surprised to see Alex inside. Still, she asked Tobi if they could talk and Tobi said no. Then she asked Alex if they could and Alex said yes.

Then the next day. In the plane. She saw Nina. And the first thing Nina said to her was: “Do you know Tobi and Alex had sex?” (Remember this “first thing” detail.

She said she doesn’t feel Alex is a bad person. She just needs something to figure herself and mental health out, some time away from negativity, some time to make money, and that’s why she’s not talking to a lot of the housemates.

Khloe came to Cee C’s defense (much like Miracle and Tobi the previous day), but also advised Cee C to stop ignoring people.

Alex had time to say some things again, and she said again that Tobi’s room wasn’t beside Cee C’s and what Cee C said was “a big lie.”

Although everyone was saying it wasn’t necessary that the two of them be friends, Ifu Ennada clarified that they needed to at least make peace because they needed their fans to stop being at war and stop trying to destroy the businesses of other housemates. (Seriously, guys. Ya’ll need to chill. Giving people bad reviews because they’re not friends with people you like? Come on.)

Nina quickly cleared herself. She explained that Cee C was the one who brought up the Tobi and Alex thing in the plane. She said Cee C told her in the plane that her room was next to Tobi’s and she could hear loud noises coming out of it in the middle of the night. Nina says Tobi had told Miracle that he had sex with Alex, and Miracle told Nina. She said she told Cee C that, but added that she didn’t expect it to be so loud—you know, just passing gist.

Cee C said her upbringing is why she is who she is now. She said when she was little they would lock her and her siblings inside the house and leave with the key. They weren’t allowed to interact with people. And she’s trying to rewrite herself in adulthood, but people need to give her time.

Here’s how it ended: Alex apologized to Cee C. “Cee C, if I have offended you, please forgive me.” Then we heard: “Cut!” But the show went on. We saw Alex start to cry. We hoped she’d stop crying but she continued to cry. Then she had to walk off. Everything was emotional. But the camera followed. Then she screamed at the camera, telling the cameraman she would smash it. The End.


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