Why People Fail in Life. Why People Fail in Life. - Gistmattaz Ng : Nigeria News | Latest Naija News Today 24/7

Why People Fail in Life.

First impression
This word has made and marred individuals, organizations, friends, groups etc First impression means an initial notion created by somebody either through countenance or dressing or relation wise to another or group of people.

First impression to a large extent tells who you are to the next person in which you might not be. It is the "you" they see before seeing you.

Mr  Yemi, a Nigerian based pastor, shared his experience about this topic. He said, he had a meeting in America and that was the same day he wanted to go and secure a VISA for himself at the US Embassy at Ikoyi Lagos, Nigeria. when he got there, he was told to present his documents, after presenting his statement he discovered his hands were shaking as if is documents aren't genuine,  when the customer care went through the docs, he discovered the meeting was the same day, and his hands were also shaking. Due to these he was denied the visa.

The notion he created was uncertainty and lack of confidence that perhaps his docs weren't complete ,  or they were fake. For this reason the interviewer denied him.

Always listen to questions and be precise in giving your answer

Be confident, don't let fear write another story of you to the other person.

Always be cool calm and collected.

Shake moderately, greet people, and give them their due respect, regardless of how old you are.

Always appear responsible,

Speak good English and your own dialets, speak with pride.

Lastly, love yourself and put all to God in prayer

All these create a good impression in everyman because if you do not love yourself there is no way, you are going to love others.

First impression matters, work on it

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