Why chasing the wind? Why chasing the wind? - Gistmattaz Ng : Nigeria News | Latest Naija News Today 24/7

Why chasing the wind?

why do we tend pursuing nebulous goals? I don't follow things that won't benefit me in life, those things are time devourer, sure you have one nebulous thing you have been following, just check.

We keep on chasing the wind at all time, we should all live life with a reason, for this reason will stand as a fuel for our life activities. When a man tend chasing s*x instead cash it's futility.

 student reading the newspaper for book is treading towards failure and so classified to vagueness, whenever we alternate our reason in life it is said to be chasing the wind.

"Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun".ecl 2:11,

 this means everything that man is working for are all vague why? because non of it will be useful after death, regardless this doesn't mean that you shouldn't work to succeed, success is a must for you as a man.

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  1. this had really been a burden for me But how exactly are we to know if it is vague because sometime something looks vague But in the long-run it pays off.

    1. Yeah! You know something is vague, when its doesn't correlate with what you're doing presently. For example a footballer in a music studio, or a medical doctor in a carpenters workshop

    2. Yeah! You know something is vague, when its doesn't correlate with what you're doing presently. For example a footballer in a music studio, or a medical doctor in a carpenters workshop


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